Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dreaming While Awake

"Not every chick is a Queen. Most chicks are just regular. Most of them know it and accept it, as long as nobody points it out. A queen is authentic, not because she says so, just because she is. A queen doesn't have to say nothing. Everybody can see it, and feel it, too" - Sister Souljah #adeeperloveinside #MilliMessage #LoveDay #TheUnveiling #freckles #Chicago #NYC #vinesbelike

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sneeze " Family Ain't Shit" featuring Tiffany Gem

Tissue 4 Boogers

Having the ability to meet this powerful, charismatic, and extremely talented young man a few months ago helped me realize what I truly wanted to accomplish myself. He continues to show up and show out while remaining true to himself and his passions. Sneeze conveys his emotions, thoughts, and determination in his newly released single, "Family Ain't Shit". Even though the subject matter is to be taken serious Sneeze created a wonderful video that just makes you feel good. He opens up and expresses his emotions through music having a great time around NYC, beautifully smiling, and telling his story while chilling with his friends who often can be more supportive than family nowadays. As I sit here and type this I begin to weigh in on my own family issues as this too is a topic that I could speak upon for hours being that I am an only child and both my parents are deceased. Many individuals out here can relate to this song and I wish much success to Sneeze as he begins to top the charts out here. Sneeze can be seen in Brooklyn and around NewYork promoting positivity and giving artists' the platform to express themselves without judgement. Get to know this creative artist and make sure to visit his YouTube and other social networks to stay in tune. Enjoy!

YouTube: @StevenSneezyBurtt