I've come to realize that every obstacle and struggle are merely tests. They are based upon faith and endurance in my opinion. It's as of someone is trying their best to break you so that you give in and give up. Ultimately, it is up to you to persevere and not allow these obstacles to deter you from your destiny. Each setback is a setup for a greater comeback and I truly believe this. These obstacles, mishaps, adversities, and others are only to see how strong of a soldier one is. Having the ability to overcome these setbacks is the important key because that provides faith that once can emerge out of the darkest storm alive and thriving. I recently told a friend that if we were to not have any struggles we would not be able to fully appreciate life because each teaches a different lesson. Struggles build character so we must continue to thrive until we reach our designed destiny.
For all of those who have ever thought of giving up please do not allow negativity to keep you from your destiny. I once thought about giving up because I just could not see my way out of the storm. It wasn't until I told that storm to move that I began to emerge out of that which was holding me down.
Destiny Supersedes Faith.
Just a little excerpt from Joel Osteen's Today's Word:
"Just like there are many routes on a map, God has a plan to help you reach your destination. He has detours,shortcuts and bypasses. God has already calculated the the entire route for your life"
Be blessed awesome individuals.
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