Is Love Real?

I have been told "I Love You" by many. I can honestly say that I now only believe one of the individuals' that have said those words to me. Those beautiful words of endearment and affection just so happen to come from my mother. When a person is more concerned with your welfare and safety then their own that for me is love. To have the ability to be selfless and put aside your heart's desires to ensure another feels everything that you would like to ; that's what Love is to me. Many of us experience these words coming from those that we think would always be there for us but the reality of life is that everyone dies one day and love alone cannot keep a relationship together. So I ask myself again? Is love real? I would say that love is real because I myself have loved others. I have loved those that definitely did not love me in the capacity in which I deserve. Unaware of the truth behind their false depiction of what we envision love to be from what we actually feel. I replay times in which I have heard these words stumble from one's mouth with what seems like conviction but if they truly loved you then how could they also hurt you? How could they abandon and forget about you as if they never "loved" you? My mother's love for myself and my father are what keep me hopeful that this emotion really does exist. To watch her give up her life to take care of my paralyzed father up until his death is the real commitment behind "til death do us part". That was love. To watch her fight through a battle with cancer and mental illness solely because she did not want to leave me here alone. That was love. The selflessness behind her actions are what taught me that we as humans are capable of loving another. I believe in today's society we confuse "love" with "lust" often because we desire to feel affection from another. Lust is merely instant gratification but love is a feeling that cannot fade because it is buried deep within us. It doesn't cost a thing nor is it given in return for something else as it is merely unconditional and intense.
According to Wikipedia:
Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection ("I love my mother") to pleasure ("I loved that meal"). It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment.[1] It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another".[2] It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals.
After a search for the opinions of others and even having to put aside my pride and type "Is love real" in Google's search engine I found one very soothing answer to my search from an unknown person.
"Love is needing to take a deep breath with every thought of them because the heart is beating so hard it feels like your breathless. A goofy smile that is hard to remove. A warm entanglement of passion and perfection, weightlessness and tingles. It is the most difficult emotion to describe because the feelings are so intense and so beyond words.There is a fine line between love and lust.. But love is forever. There is no doubt and no second guessing."-Unknown
I still question love's authenticity even after all this. Yet, it should be the genuineness of the individual using " I Love You" that is being questioned.
----to be continued
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