Saturday, July 26, 2014

Jam Of The Day: Spooky Black aka Lil Spook " Without You "

"Without You"

Being that I find myself on all social media sites for the sake of entertainment, being nosey, tabloids and gathering informative information I found myself watching this video over and over. Thanks to World Star Hip Hop for putting me on to this joint as many do not like WSHH because of the foolishness but if you can patiently decipher through what is awesome and what is pure foolery you can find dope great new up and coming artists. Spooky Black also known as Lil Spook had a video up for his track "Without You" and before I could even leave the page I was mesmerized by his sound and had to download it. Not only does he not look like the type of kid to make such music being that he had a turtle neck on with a lil chain, a doo rag, and was standing in the snow without a coat his melodic sound was amazing.  Since then I have followed him on SoundCloud where he has over 43,000 followers and only 20 tracks but his tracks are getting over 100,000 plays each almost. Another favorite of mine from him is "Reason" which has 132,091 plays and the track has only been up one day. This is an artist that I cannot believe is not signed yet but I'm sure he will be soon. His music for me is a mixture of R&B/Pop/Soul Music and it provides music that everyone can listen to. So whether you only like hip hop, soul, or pop Spooky Black gives you exactly what you need. Image wise he isn't your typical Pop/R&B stud, model, super banger but he is adorable and his music speaks for itself. Neither is he spooky nor black which is the ironic part I am sure there is a significant meaning behind his name and I am eager to read his bio soon in which there is not one available at the time anywhere. (LOL I have been searching) Different and soothing are a great way to describe his music and himself. Many would say he is strange but I find him mesmerizing and soulful.

Remember I put you on lol. Respect, blessings, and longevity to this young man and his career.


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