Thursday, January 9, 2014

In My feelings : As Usual

*** The Vision *** ........

( These posts are normally my daily FB Status's that get me through the day. I use writing as a form of venting and I have decided to share as I feel my story can and will hopefully help another one day )

I know that through my toughest times the Lord has never left my side because even when I want to give up and call Life quits he doesn't allow that short lived thought to manifest. I remember being homeless for months, with a degree, sick, sleeping out of my car, deceived by the only friend I thought was true, and feeling like I was a step before death. Then I realized... that only I would suffer if I allowed self pity and grief to keep me from my destiny. Today, here I am without parents, thriving, living, and appreciating this awareness of self worth. Today I stop worrying and finally allow the Lord to take on that in which I am unable to control. Life left me without my parents but it can not take my hope nor happiness. I Am Bad Milli. Meet the Massacre. . #InPrayer #TheUnveiling #NothingLeftToLoseButSelf and I got me.

*** Blessings and Happy New Year everyone.

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